Our company aims to create a workplace where all employees thrive. We offer resources to help you achieve your personal and professional best.

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Employee Health Services




After a rewarding railroad career, our retirees can look forward to highly competitive retirement benefits.

Enjoy Retirement




MyNS provides a one-stop shop to help you manage every aspect of your career, ranging from benefits and payroll information to training opportunities.

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Family Medical Leave Act (FMLA) and Short Term Disability (STD)

FMLA is available to all eligible Norfolk Southern employees to help when a medical leave is needed. Short Term Disability is available to eligible management employees through an application process. For questions and assistance on FMLA or Short Term Disability, please reach out to FMLA_coordinator@nscorp.com or visit My.norfolksouthern.comopens in a new tab. For employees returning from a medical leave, please utilize the links below.

Download Return to Work Form for Management Employeesopens in a new tab

Return to Work Information for Craft Employeesopens in a new tab