Sharing Our Stories
Ruth Grenier
I have two sons, who served in the military. Peter served eight years in the Army, from 1988 – 1996. He went from basic training in South Carolina to Fort Drum, N.Y. At Fort Drum , he was a communications specialist with the 10 th Mountain division (Sen. Robert Dole’s WW2 unit). He served two years in Germany, and then finished his tour at Fort Knox , Ky.
My son Gene is a Chief Petty Officer aboard the USS Monterey, now here in Norfolk. He left for a six-month cruise overseas in October. The Monterey is part of the USS Harry Truman battle group. He has been in the service for 18 years, and he intends to make it a career. His goal after he retires from the Navy is to start a second career with Norfolk Southern.
His other ships that he has been based on were the USS Nimitz out of Seattle Wash. , USS Frank Cable out of Charleston , S.C. , a submarine repair ship, and the USS Nassau out of Norfolk . He has lived here in Virginia Beach and Suffolk for the past ten years. He and his family were the reason my husband and I decided to move here.
He has started a website about our family members in the service, This website is about him, and our brothers and one sister on both sides of the family who served during the Korean and Vietnam Wars. There is another website on which is about the many uncles and an aunt who served in World War II. He put together both of these websites.
My son-in-law, Dale Parmeley, is also in the Navy. He is just finishing up a tour in England . He will be returning to Norfolk soon. My daughter, Melissa Parmeley, and their son returned to the US last month. He will be assigned to the USS Hawes, and they are making their home in Virginia Beach .