Sharing Our Stories
Ray Miller
Locomotive Engineer
Manassas, VA
I am infantryman in the Virginia National Guard HHC 3/116th INF of the 29th Infantry Division currently stationed at Bagram Air Field in Bagram, Afghanistan . We mobillized in February and so far I have experienced missing my family, learning some of the local language, eating new food, guarding the base in guard towers, weird animals, going out and getting supplies sent to fellow soldiers at remote bases by air or truck, rocket attacks, bomb alerts, radio watch, very dry and hot weather, prisoner watch, helping a parent find medical help for a child and the loss of brothers in arms.
Right now we are helping Afghanistan hold their elections and the threat level has picked up a little. The people here are very happy to have a say in who their next leader is and it feels good knowing we are helping them.
Most of all what I have experienced here has made me greatly appreciate the freedoms, liberties, rights and a lot of the small things taken for granted every day in America. I miss it and can't wait to get back home.