Norfolk Southern Celebrates Our Veterans and Their Families


Kenneth Anderson
A.J. Ball
Bill Briggs
Regis Carr
James E. Carter
Gregg F. Corcoran
Larry Davenport
Mary DeAngelis
Mae Green
Roger A. Gregg
Bobby G. Grider
Josh J. Grider
Joseph Gross
Charles W. Hackett
Tom Haupt
Charles C. Hinson
Jay Luster
C.E. Moyer
Dennis M. Murton
Dennis Murton, Jr.
Chuck Newton
Bobby Onuska
Jerome Parson
William F. Perdue
Terry A. Roe
Sandra S. Simpson
Connie Rubin Smith
Jutta Spencer
Dale Stevens
Stephan Stocker
Clint Summers
Timothy Tuohy
Jack Zist



Dale Stevens
MW&S repairman
Toledo, Ohio

 “Hello everyone at NS, thought I’d drop you a line to let ya’ll know that everything’s going all right over here in the land of heat, sand and watching your back. We had a mission to go to Al Dihock 290 miles north of Al Taji where I’m stationed. Al Taji is about seven miles northeast of Baghdad, so it gives you an idea where I am.
Al Dihoch is close to Turkey and is Kurdish Country. I drove a wrecker and was maintenance backup for the vehicles. I was at the tail end of the convoy and had a gun truck behind me for protection. We went through Tikrit and Mousuel at night. It’s safer -- believe me. Most of our missions are run at night for safety’s sake. It took 12 hours.
P.S. Not many Railroads over here.”